
LU Milcolu 12 Bar Packs

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LU Milcolu 12 Bar Packs

The most loved biscuit of the decade is back and it is milkier than ever. Packed with one glass of energy of milk, Milco Lu is a double milk sandwich biscuit that has milk in its shell as well as the cream. Its milky creamy goodness is meant to be shared between two best friends for their bond is like the cream between two shells of Milco Lu sweet and keeps the two together. A pack of Milco Lu can range from giving energy of 1 to 2 glass of milk, that gives one the energy boost to go on all day long!

Dimension: Width:135mm, Height:85mm, Depth:115mm, Weight:420g

Storage Condition: Store in an airtight jar immediately after opening the packet.

Nutrient Measurement Precision 100g,Energy 510 kcal,Protein 1.1g,Sugars 65g,Fibre 146mg

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